The Oz Report, a near-daily, world wide hang gliding news ezine, with reports on competitions, pilot rankings, political issues, fly-ins, the latest technology, ultralight sailplanes, reader feedback and anything else from within the global HG community worthy of coverage. Hang gliding, paragliding, hang gliders, paragliders, aerotowing, hang glide, paraglide, platform towing, competitions, fly-ins. Hang gliding and paragliding news from around the world, by Davis Straub.

 Oz Report


The Life and Death Struggle for the Hang Gliding World Record

By Davis Straub

I wrote Cloudsuck to appeal both to a broad audience interested in adventure writing and to those who have imagined what it would be like to take flight on their own, perhaps as they have already done in their dreams. It tells the gripping story of the decade-long effort that lead up to the shattering of the hang gliding distance record in Zapata, Texas, in July, 2000. Through this story the general reader can feel what it's like to be a cross country hang glider pilot flying over 300 miles in a ten hour flight.

Cloudsuck also appeals to members of the hang gliding community as a story of adventure and struggle in the extreme regions of cross country hang gliding.

You can read the book on line here. (You can also download the free epub version at this same address.)

You can download the free Kindle version here (6.8 MB).

(Formats: .EPUB6.6 MB, .AZW36.8 MB, .MOBI2.1 MB, .PDF13.5 MB)

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